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Knee Arthritis

Don’t neglect your knee pain, even if you are pain free. Knee arthritis pain can slow you down. Did you know that 85% of all individuals suffer from knee arthritis pain at some point in their lives? At times, the cause can be a specific injury. In other cases, the cause cannot be accurately determined. Knee arthritis pain is the second most common reason for a visit to the doctor’s office for senior citizens.

What causes knee pain?

Knee joint is a single structure made up of bone joints, ligaments and muscles. It can be injured in several ways. It’s possible to sprain ligaments, muscles or joint Mencius tear.

These are just some of the factors that can lead to knee pain. There can be times when the simplest movement such as bending down to pick up a pencil, from the floor picking up your child or just climbing up and down the stairs can lead to severe pain.

Will my knee arthritis heal itself?

Unlike muscles, bone and ligaments, the knee joint is a complex part of the body that does not “heal on its own. It is critical to identify the underlying cause so that you can get long lasting relief


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